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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
Notes to Financial Statements
Basis of Presentation
Income Per Share
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
Property and Equipment
Notes Receivable
Deferred Management Rights Proceeds
Stock Plans
Pension and Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension Plans
Income Taxes
Commitments and Contingencies
Stockholders' Equity
Fair Value Measurements
Financial Reporting By Business Segments
Information Concerning Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries
Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation (Policies)
Notes Tables
Revenues (Tables)
Income Per Share (Tables)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Tables)
Property and Equipment (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Pension and Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension Plans (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Financial Reporting By Business Segments (Tables)
Information Concerning Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries (Tables)
Notes Details
Basis of Presentation - Ownership in Joint Ventures (Details)
Basis of Presentation - Joint Venture Interests Acquired - Consideration (Details)
Basis of Presentation - Joint Venture Interests Acquired - Ownership Percentages (Details)
Basis of Presentation - Joint Venture Interests Acquired - Impairment (Details)
Basis of Presentation - Subsidiaries (Details)
Basis of Presentation - ASU 2014-09 (Details)
Basis of Presentation - ASU 2016-02 (Details)
Revenues - Revenues Disaggregated by Major Source (Details)
Revenues - Hospitality Segment Revenues Disaggregated by Location (Details)
Revenues - Additional Information (Details)
Income Per Share (Details)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Details)
Property and Equipment (Details)
Notes Receivable (Details)
Debt - Summary of Debt and Capital Lease Obligations - Balances (Details)
Debt - Summary of Debt and Capital Lease Obligations - General Information (Details)
Debt - Term Loan B (Details)
Deferred Management Rights Proceeds (Details)
Stock Plans - Grants in Period (Details)
Stock Plans - Compensation Expense (Details)
Pension and Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension Plans - Net Periodic Benefit Cost (Credit) (Details)
Pension and Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension Plans - Pension Plans - Net Settlement Losses (Details)
Pension and Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension Plans - Pension Plans - Discount Rate (Details)
Pension and Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension Plans - Pension Plans - Pension Plan Liability Re-measurement (Details)
Income Taxes - Income Tax Provision (Details)
Income Taxes - Income Tax Rate (Details)
Income Taxes - Unrecognized Tax Benefits (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Ownership in Joint Ventures (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Guarantees (Details)
Stockholders' Equity (Details)
Fair Value Measurements (Details)
Financial Reporting By Business Segments - General Information (Details)
Financial Reporting by Business Segments - Internal Financial Reports (Details)
Information Concerning Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries - General Information (Details)
Information Concerning Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries - Condensed Consolidating Balance Sheet (Details)
Information Concerning Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries - Condensed Consolidating Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Details)
Information Concerning Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries - Condensed Consolidating Statement of Cash Flows (Details)
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